1984 Bally Granny and the Gators pinball machine Building Location: Vip Game Type = SS
The 1984 Bally Granny and the Gators machine was the second
game by Bally to utilize both a video screen (video game) and
a pinball game, in one machine. Game uses a Bally -133 MPU
board and a "Vidiot Deluxe" board to handle the video game play.
Production numbers for Granny and the Gators is not known,
but it seems to be a pretty rare game. And probably for
good reason as the game play is "odd", to say the least.
It is not nearly as much fun or intuitive as say Baby Pacman.
This is the actual game at the VFW Pinball Museum.
Any questions regardling this game, or any games for sale,
please email the VFW Pinball Museum at
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